Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a crazy, random happenstance

So the Couch to 5k plan is working so far, but damn I'm out of shape. I now have immense respect for Eddie Izzard ( for running the amount of marathons in the time span he has. I have a feeling I'd be doing a lot better if my ankle would quit spawning blisters every time I put on my shoes.
I'm on day 11 of no meat, and feeling proud of making it this far. I'm hoping that I can keep up the trend, but it's really hard sometimes. My husband won't eat veg, and being in the midwest, the meat-free option is almost non-existent.

I'm rewatching Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, and leveling up my character on D&D Tiny Adventures. Good times.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Is the week over yet?

Good Gods, what a week. Mark wrecked his car on Wednesday due to the nasty weather, and it's totaled. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, and we only need one car at the moment. But still, no fun. And now he's sick, and I think I'm catching it.
At least we got to see my bro-in-law a bit this week, and now we can network to play Diablo II. It also looks like we can get another person in on that: FedEx Mark from the card shop! I'm looking forward to hosting a LAN, I'm a dork!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Post!

Well, I'm starting up a new journal. I love my LJ, but things over there are a little...yeah. I'm ready to start a new journal, in a new and more stable place.

I wish everything was as easy as this. My grandmother was diagnosed with kidney cancer earlier this week, and my aunt has thyroid cancer. My mom is an understandable wreck, and my brother isn't making anything any better. Oh, family family, oh fun they are!

Who needs angst? The internets are full of that!